Thursday, October 4, 2007

Teachers Classified

As much as students can be classified, Teachers can also be classified. These are the following as based on my long term stay in various schools as a complementary observation of Bob Ong’s classification for students.


Chelyn Torejas

Tigre They are those who take pleasure in frowning everyday. Smiling for them is rare. All they want is to terrify students with their angry look and truck loads of assignments. Their presence is enough to shake the knees of students.

Weirdo Blues Professors with weird personalities and appearance. These people are inherently intelligent but have seemingly forgotten matters about personality development or they are just religiously following Einstein’s demeanor.(?)

Einstein’s Successors These are those who are intelligent but are still acting normally. They have well-develop and balanced personality. They smile. They’re strict. They got Angry. They are ordinary people with extra-ordinary intelligence who take passion in imparting knowledge to their students.

Profera These are those who regularly go at school to teach without a heart. They just do it not because they want it but because they are only after for the compensation. They don’t mind whether their students learn something from them. Their main focus is how to generate further income. These are those who are not satisfied of being a teacher but are sparkling looking forward in going abroad for a greener pasture

Goodiness These are those who are religiously sticking to the essence of teaching. They have the heart and burden for teaching. They have fixed mentality to live a teacher and die a teacher. They took care of their students like parents do. Usually regarded as the second best Parent to the students’ Parent.

Gwafing The heartthrob teachers. Female students even sacrifice their classes in peeping and stalking heartthrob teachers. Gwafings are always in shape and in good posture.

Relax These are the counterparts of the gwafings. They grace writing the blackboard with a flip of their hair. Combs and make-up are a must-have in their shoulder bags. They are always in porma with head-turner scents. They are usually a friend to thier students.

Del Pilario Professors who start and end the classes purely writing on the board. Good writers (?), loner (?) struggling to teach (?) or simply they have no words to say?

Papelmeroteacher Those who are fond of giving students toenail-to-hair tips deadline of paper works, assignments and projects. They are the intelligent people who are hard to please. They have high standard to meet.

Error These are those professors with mood swings. They are hard to read. It’s hard to read whether they are happy or not with the students work. These are those teachers who are Dramatist by nature.

Babbling These are those teachers whose principles are exuding. They share their life stories, experiences, principles and beliefs to their students. They don’t run out of topic. Talkative by nature.

Dual Nature They are Real Dramatist. They can easily switch moods from happy to angry. They are unpredictable. Very strict in nature. Strict, straightforward and disciplinarian.

Halo Professors with wonderful minds but with poor ability of communication. Students often feel boredom because these teachers seemingly have a world of their own.

As I grace time and as I go along, I will be updating this topic. How about you, How do you classify your teachers / Professors?

To all of my teachers/ Professors: PEACE BE WITH US! HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!