Monday, December 17, 2007


Fix your smile, Brace yourself

Tired of the French-looking teeth? Braces are just right for you.

Your smile is one of the striking features of your face. For the growing generation a white teeth isn’t perfect. As small as they are, a good smile became a factor that boost confidence. White and correctly-aligned teeth became a desirable feature to many. Unfortunately, not all are born with that “Hollywood smile”.

Beyond oral medication, braces seem to be a trend to the growing teenagers. Some kids can’t wait to get one. Before, these thin wires serve as a connotation for the freak and the weird but today it has become a fashion statement. For some even to those without bite problems, braces became just a part of growing up. With this, it has become a fashion statement instead of a medical necessity. The rubber in these wires came in funky colors. But these don’t come cheap. In our country, wearing one may for some indicates wealth. Not only the famous like Tom Cruise, Prince Harry get braces but even the commoners do.

But are our teeth getting worse? Probably not. It is just because the stream of society turned out to be more conscious about one’s looks.

Bad bite (malocclusion) results from thumb-sucking, accident or heredity. Braces come in various forms. Braces have come a long way. Today, it comes in the form of a ceramic, gold-plated, invisible or you can wear it the traditional way. But remember to have it with an orthodontist.

Proper oral hygiene is important since brackets in braces seem to be a magnet of food. If not, wearers may end up getting cavities or gingivitis. Because it puts extra pressure on your teeth, wearers may feel pain and may suffer mouth sores once in a while. The pain brought about by braces is really for real. It will not require you to have a diet but will further require you to chew foods slowly. It’s like gracing the food with extra care!

If you get one don’t forget to be proud to wear your “tetanus” smile! You’re not alone. I am wearing it too. My sister has one also. The same thing applies to my classmate Princess. We smile with wires.

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