Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Travelling on

Moving on the next level of life’s journey. Packing things up. Preparing for a new challenge, a new battle to be won. The victory is ours.

With me, is the vest of courage. Bearing in mind, a beautiful tomorrow that awaits me.

Living the not-so-important things bringing only the necessary. Living imprints. Living Life! Because Life is great and gettin’ better!

Bound to make a living history. Making dream a reality. For I know, His grace will be sufficient.

Bidding the past goodbye, saying hello to a brighter tomorrow.

Father, let your light so shine before me that I may do your will always, no matter what, wherever will you lead me and whatever time of the day. Wherever the wind blows me, shelter me with your comforting hands.

Marching on, heart courageous.

It seems surreal but it’s the reality indeed. Hayy, back to life and lovin’ it. The promise of a beautiful life.

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