The compound's highway

1, 2 The scholars. 3 Princess, the jester, gamingly posed at the school canteen. 4 Fortunately, Brown agreed to pose for this post.
While the blue blooded is often tossed in competition with the green blooded, I took myself shouting and cheering for the Royal bodies, my clan: the JMarians.
It is just so amazing how black Americans, Canadians, muslims, white Americans and Filipinos among other differences interact harmoniously.
Fast Observations:
- What we wear will reflect who we are. Majority of the students will give you the “sticky stare” if you wear mini-dress, spaghetti straps, skimpy clothes and matters of similar sorts.
Smoking is a big No, No. Honest to goodness but this rule is strictly imposed from the administrative staff down to the rank and file and students.
Zero waste area, seriously. The highway, I mean the rough highway, is brushed every now and then. If that is the case, how much more the classrooms? Try to imagine it. The school believes that cleanliness is Godliness.
- Low rates of boyfriend-girlfriend relationships. Maybe everybody is busy making assignments and beating deadlines.
- Student Empowerment. JMC has frequent evaluation about the teachers’ performance and the results are always respected. Termination is always the main punishment to those who are inefficient, unjust and unfair.
- Respect is a virtue. Old students are always called “Ate” or “Kuya”. I can always feel a "healthy competition" among us.
- Majority of the students are scholars (academic, varsity, sponsored, etc.)
- No Gangsters. No addicts. You can check the records if you want.
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Currently, STEP, a national event is held on the grounds of JMC. I'll be posting some pictures, soon.
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