Sunday, August 26, 2007

Literary Criticism - Alice Advetnrue in Wonderland

Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland Analysis

This is a fiction book authored by an English Author Lewis Carroll (1865) that is for many years, enjoyed by many children. However, to some extent, it appeared to be intriguing on the part of some grown-up readers.

The author has captured the near-to-perfection natural mentality of a child. Carroll did really made a wonderland world full of magic, weird characters, logical problems, puzzles, riddles, fancy matters and fantastic adventures. Though colorful and sometimes weird characters take the center stage, the author is consistent to make its readers have a vivid view of Alice as still the main character of the story. The

Alice lonely adventures give us a picture of girl beginning to abandon childhood in exchange for adolescence. In a hidden manner, it also portrays the children’s fear towards growth itself and their psychological fear regarding independence and being placed in an irrational world.

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