This serves as the official hiding place of the author in the unknown dimension of the cyberspace.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
To dame:
Create Your Own GushyGram
To Princess
Create Your Own GushyGram
To love love
Create Your Own GushyGram
Princess Lorraine
Create Your Own GushyGram
PS. Send me good pictures for a finer result.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Correspondent
I am always eager to watch well-crafted shows like The Correspondent. Visit the official web portal of The Correspondent and read its archives. This will be very helpful to those who can’t catch it and to those who are into script writing. Modeling is vital. It’s like learning by observation. Good Luck.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Meaning of my Name
My Name means...
Do you want to know the meanings of your name? or your siblings’ names? or to those people close to you? Then click HERE
Radio Advertisement
These are just some of the samples Princess and I created. We are rushing things out because the deadline is so close and Princess is heading to
Gifted child
Are you a gifted child?
Intelligent vs. Gifted
Intelligent child | Gifted child |
Knows the answer | Is highly curious |
Is attentive | Is mentally and physically involved |
Works hard | Playful, yet tests well |
Answers the questions | Discusses in detail, elaborates |
Is in the top group | Is a level higher |
Listens with interest | Shows strong feeling and opinions |
Learns with ease | Already knows |
Needs 6-8 repetitions for mastery | Needs 1-2 repetitions |
Understand ideas | Constructs abstractions |
Enjoys peers | Prefers adults |
Grasps meanings | Draws inferences |
Completes assignments | Initiates projects |
Copies accurately | Creates a new design |
Is receptive | Is intense |
Source: Wyeth
Monday, December 17, 2007
Foothills of Mt. Apo
Product Launching
For your Perfect Smile
Last semester, I was seriously conceptualizing something for my Advance Advertising subject. The pictures and some text show some of the things I submitted to my instructor. Of course, the course of planning and eventually doing it is not a joke. It’s hard but not impossible. Its part of moving forward and conquering the biggest enemy, myself! This time, no excuses accepted. I just need to do it and PDF! I did! Oh well, I did not drop the subject. Glory to the highest! Victory shout...!The last picture shows the official Tooth Care advertisement copy for print.

This product shall be locally launched as Tooth Care bearing the tagline “For your perfect smile”. It will revolutionize the mentality of consumers who believe that perfect smile only means white teeth. It doesn’t stop there. It is more than the bright smile. Perfect smile means a healthy, well-moisturized clean mouth. Tooth Care shall further be regarded as a moisturizing toothpaste.
Torejas-Laranas Cosmetic Laboratory is the company focused on the production, distribution of Tooth Care. The said product is the leading distributor of Tooth Care, the moisturizing toothpaste.
Fix your smile, Brace yourself
Tired of the French-looking teeth? Braces are just right for you.
Your smile is one of the striking features of your face. For the growing generation a white teeth isn’t perfect. As small as they are, a good smile became a factor that boost confidence. White and correctly-aligned teeth became a desirable feature to many. Unfortunately, not all are born with that “
Beyond oral medication, braces seem to be a trend to the growing teenagers. Some kids can’t wait to get one. Before, these thin wires serve as a connotation for the freak and the weird but today it has become a fashion statement. For some even to those without bite problems, braces became just a part of growing up. With this, it has become a fashion statement instead of a medical necessity. The rubber in these wires came in funky colors. But these don’t come cheap. In our country, wearing one may for some indicates wealth. Not only the famous like Tom Cruise, Prince Harry get braces but even the commoners do.
But are our teeth getting worse? Probably not. It is just because the stream of society turned out to be more conscious about one’s looks.
Bad bite (malocclusion) results from thumb-sucking, accident or heredity. Braces come in various forms. Braces have come a long way. Today, it comes in the form of a ceramic, gold-plated, invisible or you can wear it the traditional way. But remember to have it with an orthodontist.
Proper oral hygiene is important since brackets in braces seem to be a magnet of food. If not, wearers may end up getting cavities or gingivitis. Because it puts extra pressure on your teeth, wearers may feel pain and may suffer mouth sores once in a while. The pain brought about by braces is really for real. It will not require you to have a diet but will further require you to chew foods slowly. It’s like gracing the food with extra care!
If you get one don’t forget to be proud to wear your “tetanus” smile! You’re not alone. I am wearing it too. My sister has one also. The same thing applies to my classmate Princess. We smile with wires.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Dreaming Photography
My sister has been using all the simple gadgets we have at home to fill in her boring moments. Here are the “Top Pics” I noticed in her folder. Oh well, if you don’t know me, I look a lot like my sister. To the struggling students particularly to those who are still very young like my sister who are wanting to know photography, Go On, “Gumbare” meaning “Kaya mo yan.” Kaya natin yan! Practice, practice and learn from it.

And the other subjects...

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Nasa Tuno ba ang buhay mo?
We are into different fields and interests. I may enjoy some things that you may hate doing. This only shows the diversity of humanity.
Sometimes we are entangled by mishaps brought by our stupid choices. Sometimes even with the presence of signs and warnings, our hard-headed selfish self tends to act as a superhero who courageously choose to side with the left. We want to be good but there are instances that we just cannot. It is beyond our control. Inside every human being, an evil lurks.
This can only be totally eradicated through repentance and by saying “Not our will but thy will be done.”
Everything is the result of our choices. Laziness breeds poverty. Stupidity breeds problems. Lust breeds uncontrolled population. Ignorance breeds deception. Dirtiness breeds diseases. Curse breeds curse. Behind these, are the men and women who are empowering and furthering the chain -a reason why the cycle continues even up to this modern-tech era.
Life is a music. Sometimes it is played fast, slow or mellow. But no matter how we try, it will come to an end. There is always a reason to enjoy it to the fullest.
We have been dancing in this game called life. But the question is, “Are we really listening to the beat?” Are our hands plucking the same strings as what is really written on the book called bible? Are we listening to the one above who is the Writer of the Song? Are our lives in line with His perfect will? If we die today, can we really answer positively if He asks us whether we have live our life to its purpose? Why does sometimes even if we are good, there are still times that we feel the emptiness? Why is sometimes we feel to long to live in place called “Home” were in fact we are living in our own hometown?
Break the chain. Stop the cycle. Shout for joy and sing for praises lift your voice unto the one above. Reflect. See yourself as a plain man and woman without honors, badges and positions attached, then ask yourself, “Nasa tuno ba ang buhay ko?”
Every time that I feel my life is turning upside down, I stop and reflect whether I am still on His perfect will. If yes, it gives me an assurance that I can endure dancing to the music no matter what it cost me even 24/7 non-stop.
Don’t mess with life. Let us make music, not noises!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Public Apology for Ma'am
I have previously done a stupid mistake and I am currently fighting over its consequences. Oh my gulay, to exaggerate things out, I have committed a crime. Of course, I am joking.
I am guilty and It is my fault. Let us stop the blame-game. I am carrying the burden. For this, I want to publish a public apology for my instructor.
Dear Choconut,
As the doer of the action, I am guilty. I have gone beyond the limits. I was swallowed by my fear. I became insensitive. I became out of focus. I became a little bit rebellious.
I am sorry and I mean it dearly.
I am sorry for I was misbehaving.
I am sorry for all the wrinkles I have caused.
I am sorry for all the stress, pain and hassles
I’m sorry for I have disappointed you
I respect you ma’am. My action is just the fruit of my stupidity. I was not thinking that this can cause trouble. I was that dumb and preoccupied during that time. If I can only bring back time but I can not. This only reminds me of how stupid I am. But the damage has been done and I just want to learn from this experience.
In this yuletide season I am seriously wishing for Peace on Earth. May you forgive me before the year ends.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Additional details:
Last Monday, I take the courage to finally go to school and have a serious talk with my instructor. I was taking the other way so as to avoid her because I want to talk first to my other instructor, but unfortunately on my way I just saw her. She was going down and I was going up. We almost bump each other along the stairways. Can you imagine that???
The feeling was like, “Oh no?!”
But as I always believe, “Miracles do happen.” Ma’am was just smiling at me. Yes, you read it right, she was just smiling. No other words. No traces of hate or whatever. She was just plainly happy to see me. How professional? How can she take what I have done? Well, I just drop my subject without informing her then take the subject again with another instructor.
I just clasp my hands on my mouth. I wasn’t prepared for it to happen that way.
I felt like oh no??? What have I done. Is that really you Ma’am. Anyways, I just have to believe it. Unfortunately, I haven’t talk to her officially. So, I’m still looking forward to that day. Sme day when almost the same thing will happen, when another moment comes when I will not only freeze in embarrassment but will even shout for “Oh no???”
Actually this is just a simple event but of course, I am just adding color into it so as to preserve the memories. Its part of learning and re-learning from experiences.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Filipino Scientist
Once a Dreamer, Now a Scientist
I am always wondering as how the media can easily publicize coup attempts and other works of terrorism but can hardly feature true-blooded Filipinos waving the Philippine Flag in other countries.
I always thought that to become a scientist is only true for the westerners and other race. I always thought that Filipino scientists are all dead. They are all forgotten and they will die in hunger as paupers. What an exaggeration! I have seen documentary about a science group or something that have been shouting for proper protection and support from the government. I shudder as I remember how it featured gadgets and technologies concocted by Filipinos but eventually the property rights have been sold to other country. Oh, disgusting!
I don’t know how I came to pass and read about Salamin authored by Katherine Develos Bagarinao. Her story has proven all my thinkings before about scientists as wrong and definitely wrong. I was surprised to know that a Filipino woman working about please check me if I am wrong, Electricity in
How come someone like her has not been featured? If I could only have the media control, I will probably grab the chance to interview her since she is on the verge of going back in the
This comes to my mind as I remember my classmate in High School who is taking a similar course, particularly it was about physics but I can’t remember it exactly. He will be graduating this March hopefully as Magna Cum Laude.
I want him as a representative of those young people like him hoping to be a scientist who I guess are thinking to be teachers because of the scarcity of opportunity, to see the brighter side. That their dreams like what Ms. Kathy dreamt before can become a reality.
A feature about that can give hope to those people who are always busy in the laboratory wearing their lab gowns in saving the world, I mean in uplifting the standards of technology. My classmate and his recent batchmates are not alone. Someone in the higher generation (oops, sorry, what will be the right term then) has taken the same path and has been successful.
To those who are eyeing for a good feature story, please feature Ms. Katherine Bagarinao. Naku baka maunahan ko kayu… hahaha… Pag graduate ko yan siguro or similar to that yung magiging project ko… hahaha… I mean it!

Since birth, we are called by many names. Some are positive, while others are negative.
Plaques, ribbons and medals show titles. Position, salary, uniform, possession among other matters of similar sort also shows something. BUT ITO LANG BA ANG PAPEL MO SA BUHAY? Of course there is more on to that.
We should not let these titles and positions tint a color on our individuality. As I observed, as simple as a high school student can be blinded by the authority he got from just being a leader in simple and small organization. The same thing goes to big people.
I always believe on the meaning of equality, though others may disagree with me.
I am nobody. You are nobody. We are nobody but why are others acting as if they are somebody. You may have more money than I have and you may be on the top position but we are all the same. You are human as much as I am as much as they are.
We are ought to live right. We are ought not to step on others. We are ought to know our limits.
My assumption may sound blurry but sorry, that’s how I think.
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year

A child as young as the one in first picture from left was busy singing her heart out. Of course, this is not the real one. Nearly similar just add more contrast and distortions in this picture. Let's see the result. tsk. tsk.tsk.
Healthy Christmas and the Solo Caroler
Way before this post, as early as October, I have been shouting my greetings to everybody.
Sweet carols. Warm greetings. Phone calls. Busy malls. Glittering streets. Gifts. E-mails. Sumptuous food and the list goes on and on.
It is really Christmas. A perfect time to be with family and friends because its holiday and everybody seems to be not working (some are taking a leave from work), and students are having a Christmas break. Obviously, everybody wants to hibernate from the demanding jobs/tasks we face every single day.
But of course, what is ideal to you might be trivial to some. The place and the person I am with are not important. Liquors, cigarettes are not welcome for this occasion. We have a very healthy Christmas. December is the month which I exercise a lot. We walk, talk, sing and sing and sing our hearts out. I really wanted to meet someone who is about to commit suicide but is awaken by her senses to continue living her life because she found our voices as instrumental, oh ilaw! I have a different view of celebrating Christmas which is another story.
Just tonight, Jam and I was about to go out but for some reasons she was asked by Ya boy for a solemn talk so I agree to stay here. Minutes later, I saw this very young girl as in very young. She was a child supposed to be in prep school but her she is singing her heart out, solo flight, singing the jingam bells, oh ilaw. As much as I want to take a picture of her, I can’t really because it was dark and her face is not visible.
Christmas happens everyday. Celebrating Christmas is not with the presence of a Christmas tree, parties and reunions. It is not about vacation. It has a deeper meaning. We have been celebrating Christmas all of our lives but I guess there are still those who don’t understand the essence of Christmas.
You don’t need to be rich to help others. There are a lot of ways of helping. Tickle your nose and find ways to be blessing to others.
Happy Birthday to you
Simple brithday preparation for my "kuripot" sister. Peace!
Tomorrow is the birthday of my sister. Wheeww…
Her birthday reminds me of the birthday I have before, five years ago. The event is as vivid as yesterday. My sister’s smooth and peaceful birthday is really a contradiction to what I have, seriously.
I was exactly a Junior High school then. Though my parents have planned a birthday celebration for me in an exclusive pool only for the event, at first I decided to keep my birthday as a secret. I want to spend it only with my closest friends and some relatives. But on the 25th hour, I suddenly changed my mind.
When my teacher announced right on my birth date that the school will hold a half day session only for some special reason which I can’t remember, then and there I was moved to invite some classmates. I first informed my closest friend about the celebration but unfortunately, she was so delighted that she stand in front of the class of course when the teacher walked out and announced about the event. Everyone was delighted of course.
I texted my mother and she ask the driver to pick us up and up up and away we were on our complete uniform walking on the pool side. Most of my classmates cannot resist the temptation that they forcedly asked some friends to borrow some clothings. What is fortunate is that it was P.E. day. We actually have our extra-clothings.
Since everybody was swimming, I did not notice the phone calls and messages I am receiving during that afternoon. Of course, my cell phone is totally stuck in my bag. I was only informed of the messages right only after we enjoyed swimming and eating and it was ohhhh, dark already.
Oh ilaw! The parents of my classmates were in total panic! Some got even informed the police about the where-abouts of there children. I can only imagine the clear view of parents and neighbors holding flashlights in dark high ways shouting the names of their children. Oh ilaw, again! I am tagging Sarah mae, rhea lou, et al. in particular.
The driver and I talk to the parents of course to partly explain the matter. Some got happy, some got not-so-happy. But luckily none got totally mad on me. The parents knew that it was their children who willfully got on the truck and join the company.
So, in general it was a very memorable experience. My parents, some neighbors and relatives were there to keep an eye on us. But the conflict rose when right after that day, I and the rest of my classmates as in the whole section became popular by that event. I don’t know.
As we walk down the hallways, I can hear people talking about us. The whole section got a warning from each teacher we have. I can still remember how their eyes pop out in anger, how their lips twitter with unending sermons and how they shudder in total consternation. Whack!!! Tsk.. tsk.. tsk..
Some of my classmates got happy about the publicity but I felt different. Oh my gulay, how can I be happy if I am the root of all this. The event was so popular, that the whole campus knows it and they know me and I don’t like it. Promise!
I laugh as I remember of how my birthday turned out to become “the most unforgettable experience” my classmates usually pointed out as an answer every time a teacher asks. Wheeww, it was five years ago but I am still sweating every time I try to remember it. But in general it was fun! Even if my high school teachers may totally disagree with me.
A look on the picture above brings into mind what i read in reader's digest before about the eating habits of different race. Without us knowing it as i classify somehow we are among those who have been assimilating the western eating habits. The foods that we have as you can see are mostly canned and are prepared instant. Even the filipino pancit for "long life" can't be found.